
Ugh…SNOW!! ⛄

😵 🎶”Snow, snow, (PLEASE) go away…(and DON’T) come again another day!!!”🎶 👎
Ugh!! This weather, though! 👊 I am SO ready for it to get warm! 🔥 Cheers for the 50s next week!!! 🙌
#100HappyDays What is this, Day 8?! I keep forgetting to number them…since I spam so many pics! 🙊 Even though the ⛄ snow has me irritable….I’m still happy!!! 😄 Really have a lot to be happy for….my daughter, my boyfriend, my ‘stepdaughter,’ my parents…👪 and of course all my #FitFam!! 😘
On the table today is ChaLEAN Burn Circuit 2!✌ I’m stoked! 😆 Hoping my heart rate doesn’t get too high again though…I mean, it’s hard to keep an eye on the watch when I’m busy lifting heavy 💩!!! 😛
Good day, y’all! 💞💋💓



Transformation Tuesday

🌞Good Morning #FitFam! ⛄ So, it’s “Spring,” and yet there’s still SNOW! 😈 Ugh! 😬 I am so ready for boat weather! ⛵ Anyway…Rant over. 😯

This is my #TransformationTuesday pic. 🙌 Left was in July 2009 BEFORE pregnancy. 😱 I can’t even believe I was smiling in that photo, or that I had my then-husband take pics of me! ❌ I really let myself go then. I didn’t know anything about #Fitness or being #Healthy. I was depressed about how #fat I was and looked at skinny girls with jealousy and hatred because I didn’t look like them. 😩 I honestly gained weight so fast thatbi didn’t even know I’d gained! Not sure how that happens, since, uh, my clothes went UP🔼 in size. Anyway. I had my daughter and made the very important decision to get healthy! So, although this road has been far from perfect and I have fluctuated back and forth about 10lbs, I still remain in this lifestyle and always will because it is so much better being happy with life and loving myself even though I’m not “perfect” or even where I want to be physically-at least I know it’s possible now, and that all it is is a mindset. We are what we make ourselves. 😄👍💞



Cheat Meal!

Hey #FitFam! 👋 So last night during the Syracuse Basketball Game I ate 3 slices of pizza and had two little truffles…pizza had extra cheese and pepperoni. 🍕🍕🍕 And this morning I ate two slices of bacon and an egg….and my tummy is still flatter than yesterday! I’ll say working out and eating healthier 90% of the time is working for me! Thank God for that #CheatMeal last night tho…I don’t feel like scarfing down a cow anymore and I for sure don’t want anymore pizza for a while! Off to work now Lovies! Hope y’all have a great day! 😘
